Offer your customers exclusive discounts on what they want, and earn a referral fee from us in the process! See details below.
How does the referral program work?
Offer Exclusive Discounts and get PAID
Once you’ve been onboarded to our Retailer Referral Program, you’ll receive a promo code offering your customers 30% OFF on their entire first order with us. This promotion is one-time-use and cannot be combined with any other offers. We’ll provide you with marketing collateral introducing 420 Kingdom to your customers, featuring your exclusive promo code to give to your customers.
One of our reps will provide you a supply of marketing materials to offer to your customers. Be sure to let us know when your materials are running low so we can provide more!
At the close of each month, you’ll receive a promo code redemption report and a $10 referral fee for each new customer you sent our way. Referral fees are paid for each new customer upon successful completion of their first order.
Register below for our Retailer Referral Program. Enter the details of the business name, address, and contact person. Please also indicate to whom the referral fee(s) should be paid (business name or individual name). Referral fee payments will be sent to the business address.